

Romance Author

Blog posts : "General"

How to Let Inspired Thought Live

Are you struggling with finding the motivation you need to fulfill your dreams? If so, I have three simple tips that will help rocket-launch you toward success.

So this is what usually happens to me: I have a thought—better yet—an inspired thought or idea that makes me feel amazing, then, immedia…

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How Chasing This One Thing Can Help You Find Your Calling

Sometimes, the talk of following your calling is overwhelming for some. Others feel frustrated over not knowing what their calling is, or they feel as though they don’t have one, I promise you, you do.  It has been my experience that when we are unaware of what we came to do, that a sense of hopeles…

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Thursday Words: Never Too Late Edition

Today, I bring you these simple, yet powerful quotes, as a reminder that you can do anything you set your mind to. Today, I graduate from college. A dream I've had for a very long time, but often felt it slipping from me as years passed by. Today, I will be joined by my husband of 25 years, my daugh…

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How to Create the Perfect Outcome For Your Day

If you’re anything like me, your day gets more complicated as it goes on. For this reason, I try to set my intentions for the day from the moment I open my eyes. I have found that my days are far more productive, and I get to accomplish more goals when I take control of my day, rather than just lett…

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Thursday Words: Travel Light Edition

"Don't listen to what they say, go see."







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Key Largo's Snappers: Casual Stay with Excellent Food and Entertainment

Is there a better place to kick back than the Keys? I think not. One of my favorite islands to visit, without having to go to the southernmost point, is Key Largo. But, what is there to do in Key Largo? Well, in my last trips to the island I’ve dined and stayed at Snappers: a cute island style res…

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Three Top Spots to Visit in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Visiting Fort Lauderdale, Florida and have no idea what to do. Well here are my top three spots to visit while in town.

1. Shopping

Put on your sneakers and get ready to walk! Located in Sunrise, Florida, Sawgrass Mills Mall is the largest retail shopping destination in the United State and is…

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How to Move Past Negative Thinking (Via 3 Powerful Quotes)

Every now and then I hear a phrase or quote that reminds me that anything is possible. In the last couple days, I’ve been gently nudged by three amazing thinkers of today to remember this. The following are three powerful phrases/quotes that have helped get me out of some negative thinking.

“You …

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Four Inspirational Places to Write (Other than Cafés)

I don’t know about you, but the last place I ever sit down to write is at my desk. I’m not sure why, maybe it’s because on most days, I’m behind a desk from 9 to 5. Nonetheless, I still have to write. So where do I turn to when I want to get down to it and finish my bestselling novel? (wink wink) We…

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Where to Find History in Florida

I love history, but sometimes I feel that living in Florida means I’m deprived of rich history, like those that reside in any one of our first thirteen colonies. Knowing this is not true, that there is plenty of history in Florida, I decided to immerse myself in some Florida history, beginning with …

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5 Unique Date Night Options in Central Florida

Are you tired of  the same old thing when it come to date night, dinner and a movie? Well, if you are, here are five unique date night options that are sure to get you out of your date night rut.

1. Disney Boardwalk

Disney’s Boardwalk  is located near the Epcot Resorts at 2101 Epcot Resorts B…

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Orlando Florida: More than Just Theme Parks

When most people think of Orlando, Florida they think of Disney World, Universal Studios—or pretty much anything to do with theme park heaven. Given that Orlando is one of the top destinations in the country, you might be planning your own visit, but you might be wondering, is there more to Orlando …

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Eye Product Took Years Off My Eyes

I’m so excited to share this special blog with you today. As my career takes off and I have to attend different events where photos are taken, I’ve grown more and more aware of my skin. So when I received the Non-Surgical Lifting Syringe Luxury Skin Care by D’OR24K to review, I was more than willing…

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What you Expect, Shall Be

Go with me for a moment. Have you ever uttered the phrase, “I told you so.” Sure you have, we all have. The unfortunate thing about this phrase is that it’s usually attached to a negative outcome. However, let me assure you that saying, ‘I told you so’ does not only apply to certain moments of your …

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How to Feel Fear and Still "Do It" Anyway

Let’s talk for a moment about fear. Do you have fears that are holding you back? Is there something that you should or want to do but you are paralyzed with fear? This weekend I heard the most inspirational lecture by Lisa Nichols about fear .

Nichols, reminds us that fear sometimes is a part o…

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A Writer's Life For Me

​​Hello everyone, I am so excited about today's post. I am participating in something circling around with writers in the social media community. Writer's are tagging each other on social media to answer the questions below, for the community to get to know us a little better. Kristen Martin, a …

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5 Books That Will Transform Your Life

So today I am going to talk about two of my favorite things, books, and inspiration. I have found that on days when I’m not feeling inspired or motivated to go after my dreams, all I have to do is read a good book. Or in my case, most of the time, “listen” to a book through I have a lon…

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How to Transform Your Life Moment by Moment

“It’s not that easy, it’s really hard,” someone said this to me recently in regards to a change they desperately needed to make. I responded by saying, “And living like this is not hard?”

Have you ever wanted—needed something so badly that it hurt? Have you ever felt stuck by thinking…

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7 Songs to Give Yourself a Little Love & Inspiration Each Day

So, if you’re anything like me, you’ve pretty much stopped listening to radio. It’s not that I have anything against radio, it’s just that these days I’m in the business of picking out my own songs. Especially because most days I’m looking for something specific in my listening experience. Some days…

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The One Mantra I Repeated To Reach Every Single Goal- From Travel to Earning Money

In the last week I was struck with the realization that my hard work is finally paying off. For the last 4 ½  years, I’ve been so busy learning, setting goals, making plans and putting them into action that I’ve had little to time to see what was sprouting before me.

Prior to learning about…

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20 blog posts