

Romance Author

Hello my Fellow Positive Thinkers! Happy Fall!

I’ve been absent from blogging for a couple months because I’ve had some wonderful things in the works. For one, I’ve been working like a mad woman on editing my new novel Falling for You.  My editor gave me the final draft and it’s finally ready to go. However, I’ve been delaying the release because something even better has happened. I’m in the process of getting the book reviewed by a Literary Agent who is potentially interested in representing me. So, what this means is that if she does represent me, we will be seeking traditional publishing instead of self-publishing. This is all fabulous news, except for that it delays the release of my novel. Which by the way, I am so excited for everyone to read.

Additionally, I’m close to graduating so I’m taking a lot of classes, classes on writing that require a lot of my time and concentration. So between working full time, taking four classes, editing my novel and writing a new novel I’ve had very little time. That said, I’m happy to say I’m back and excited to begin sharing with you again.

To add to the list of items already mentioned, I’ve also set time aside to relaunch my website. It was time to move from blog spot to my own domain. So for those of you who made the journey from blog spot to here, thank you! For those of you that are new, Welcome!!

So this post was to get you updated on what’s been going on and to welcome you to my new website. For now, I will be posting weekly posts every Tuesday. After things slow down a bit, I may be able to blog more often, but for now once a week is what I can easily commit to.

As you visit my site, please share with me anything you would like to see in future blogs. Also, if you would like to be a guest blogger, send me a note on my contact page and we can arrange it. Don’t forget to share my weekly posts and to like my Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest accounts.

Recent trip to Vail Colorado

Till Next Time!

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